Bears on Trail!

You can meet The Peppercorn Bears on the Wyle Valley Art Trail at venue 62 (Yarn for the Soul) until 8th May….. they are there with the author and though a little listless at being indoors they are behaving quite well! You will know (if you’ve been following #peppercornbears on Instagram or The Peppercorn Bears on Facebook), Baby Bear requires a fair amount of distraction to keep him out of mischief!
Gwen and Mollie are interested in the yarn and the exhibition of tatted shuttle lace, Benjamin and Simon Bear are rather more interested in watching, through the shop window, the cars passing by. Baby Bear has found a rubber band to play with so I’m sure he will be into mischief in a minute or two.
The Peppercorn Bears are keen for you to come and enjoy their book, they think the illustrations by Mr Michael Pell are spot on (and I agree!)
Today is a lovely sunny day and The Peppercorn Bears helped put the washing out on the line at home before coming to sit in the shop - I bet they will be too tired to help bring it in and fold it when we get home from tonight! No supper for them unless I get a hand with the ironing!

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